Determination of the free parameters for the global scenarios
target is met target is not met[1]  
input values determination via "goal seek" target value of "goal seek"  
 start macro
Goal Seek:
Determination of the free parameter of scenarios 1 - 6,
so that the budget is adhered to.
copy to RM 2 - 5
RM-1 const RM-2 exp RM-3 lin RM-4 quadr RM-5 rad RM-6 abs SPM-R average global change rates 2017 - 2019 last actual global change rate
characteristics of the scenario   RRt const RRt exp RRt lin RRt quadr RRt rad RA const Raupach
A corona effect should not be considered here.   only a negative RR_20 possible a positive RR_20 is also possible
(= increasing emissions after 2019)
change rate 2024 (RR_SY)[2]   -0.01% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%     1.3% 0.6% 0.50%
Initial values for free parameter (cells shaded in grey) if Goal Seek does not converge: -10% 1% -1% 0 0 -3  
RRt constant a a a a RA  
Free parameters are determined by Goal Seek in such a way as that the budget is adhered to. -5.22% 38.80% -0.45368% -8.2447E+303      
  -3.77787E+16   -0.00026725 -0.01566676 -1.03[3]  
scenario 2020 - 2100 Gt 650 650 650 650 650 650 650
budget 2020 - 2100[4] Gt 650 650 650 650 650 650 650
emissions 2100 scenario; E2100 Gt -9.00 -9.00 -9.00 -9.00 -9.00 -9.00 0.01
minimum emissions; Emin[5] Gt -9.00 -9.00 -9.00 -9.00 -9.00 -9.00 -
At which level of emissions in 2019 (threshold value; TV) shall the percentage reduction be change into a constant reduction?[6] RM 2 -5 4.9 Gt 12.0% of global emissions
in 2019
RM 1 8.2 Gt 20.0% 4.5%[8]
dashboard check sum 0 is ok; 1 not ok
RM-1 const RM-2 exp RM-3 lin RM-4 quadr RM-5 rad RM-6 abs
budget is adhered to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
emissions in 2100 not positive 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
no increasing emissions 0 0         0
check sum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
E_2100 is negative but not equal to E_min 0 0 0 0 0 0  
values from the scenarios   RM-1 const RM-2 exp RM-3 lin RM-4 quadr RM-5 rad RM-6 abs SPM-R
year Emin is achieved    2092 2053 2074 2065 2087 2072 -
maximum RRt -5.8% -50% -14% -22% -9% -18% -10%
year maximum RRt 2020 2050 2055 2053 2057 2058 -
overshoot Gt 175 437 296 361 212 301 -
reduction 2030 vs. 2010   -26% 8% 1% 9% -13% -11% -32%
Detailed description of the RM Scenario Types: Zenodo

Budget 2020 - 2100 is not met
Relative reduction or increase in emissions in the start year.
Gt p.a.
input value sheet "base data"
input value sheet "base data"
In order to be able to map net negative emissions, it is necessary to change the method at a specified threshold.
Plausible initial value with a relatively low absolute value of E_min.

If the absolute value of E_min is high, a higher value is required.
Plausible initial value with a relatively low absolute value of E_min.

If the absolute value of E_min is high, a higher value is required.